Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Philippians 2
He Took on the Status of a Slave

1-4If you've gotten anything at all out of following Christ, if his love has made any difference in your life, if being in a community of the Spirit means anything to you, if you have a heart, if you care— then do me a favor: Agree with each other, love each other, be deep-spirited friends. Don't push your way to the front; don't sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Don't be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand

God, teach me to be more like You.

Give me a teachable spirit.

Give me a humbling spirit.

For some reason or another (probably nearning the time of the month), I've been very irritated with my brother. Any remark that was even slightly displeasing to the ear made me really irritated.

So last night, while lying in bed:-

First 10 minutes: plotting spiteful revenge

Next 10 minutes: reversing plan. Not very Godly, i thought.

Last 10 minutes: channelling away thoughts: thought of sugar,spice and everything nice.

Fell asleep.


Woke up: Ah, forgot about plan.

Irritated process repeat

Thought process repeat

Sigh, I can be so immature sometimes.


To love is to keep no record of wrong-doings. Thats a tough one. What if the person offends you again and again through his/her similar actions? Is it then possible to keep no record of wrong-doings? Familiar painful memories will be evoked? Thoughts anyone?

Happy Birthday Gorgeous Nina =)

A few days too late but here's a shout out to Nina. Happy 20th Birthday sweetie =)

Intelligent. Caring. Responsible. Giving. Loving. Emphatatic. Strong. Amazing. Beautiful.

Love ya =)

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Me, myself and I

Home alone.

Suddenly the house feels unwelcomingly quiet. I usually like the quietness. Jus calls me a lone ranger. However, this quietness has been a sudden change from all the chatter with 4 ppl living in this tiny apartment. My brother is off to his gf's place. My parents are out for dinner with friends (I reckon my parents have more friends in melbourne than I do - no kidding)

I called Wei Chee last night. It is always good to be able to talk to an old friend who knows the old me and the current me. I think i have definitely changed quite a fair bit since I have left for Melbourne. Perhaps a little more opinionated. But hopefully, everything else is for the better =) I do realise that I like ranting off my problems to her when I am not really seeking for answers but more of reassurance that its okay to feel this way. Basically, to remove things off my chest. I kinda know what I'm suppose to do but I just want someone to listen. Thats the thing with girls isn't it. We are usually not seeking for solutions but for someone to just be there. I think that frustrates guys sometimes. Guys being solution-minded, would only speak about their problems when they are specifically searching for an answer. Last night, I was reading a book called "For Women Only" by Shaunti Feldhahn. Jus called it 'the bible for women living'. Ern said in response, 'Yeah, that's exactly what you want your wife to be isn't it'. That book is fantastic - really really practical. No fluff. Just the real deal. Its basically spills out 'what we need to know about the inner lives of men'. So if you wanna know:

Why are guys so stubborn @ does not want to ask for directions even though he knows he is lost

Why do guys seem so superficial

Why do guys react angrily but girls break down and cry

Why is his pride so important to him that we girls, for the life of us, cannot understand

Do read the book =)

Apropos to nothing, the Malaysian PM just got married today. After doing some brief research on the net about his newly wedded wife, let's just say that I approve of her =) She seems like a very nice lady - described by her friends as caring, compassionate, sociable, supportive, always with a smile on her face.

On a different note altogether, I'm starting to really enjoy my soups and teas. Winter paid an early surprise visit this year.

Btw, if you have nothing much to do, do visit one of my favourite blogs - His writing is absolutely superb. But please do excuse the vulgarity and the sexual connotations.