Wednesday, July 26, 2006

What does it mean to love?

I love because I was first love by you. It's easy to love when you receive something in return - may it be words of gratitude or a mere sparkle in their eye that expresses everything you need to power on.

Unconditional love is another story altogether. Would you still do the things you do if you were spat at instead of receiving the gratitude you deserve? Would you still prepare the meals in the kitchen if your husband and kids showed no signs of gratitude for the extra effort you put in tonight? Would you still continue your work if it went on unnoticed?

Darlene Zschech from Hillsong once said that, 'Its the unseen heroes that she respects most.' She said that it was much easier for her to power on with her worship ministry because of the flows of emails, conversations, tears of joy that i guess, somewhat contributed to the fulfillment of her ministry.

Unconditional love - its irrational. Therefore, incomprehensible by the meek human mind. We were taught through our formal education to grab, to choose only what benefits us, to win the rat race, to be the survivor of the fittest.

2 lessons learn from this :-

1) Since its against our human flesh to love unconditionally, draw our strength from God. Its only through God that we can truly do so. Jesus did it while living on earth. His biggest sacrifice was clearly his sacrifice on the cross for us.

2) Ensure that we display our appreciation. This is simply to make it easier for the other person to love. Why not make life simpler whenever we can?


Anonymous said...'s great to see that ur winning the battle against anorexia! press on!! =p

Anonymous said...

er.. u use to eat alot more :p hahahaha... back in those dayss..

Itscheryl said...

eheh not a lot also ??
die la i eat more

Joanne Khoo said...

haha...bea, did i used to eat more?? i didnt realise that..

Perhaps im getting old.