Thursday, August 06, 2009

Difference between XX and XY

A few days ago, my brother stumbled out of his room, groggy-eyed and said in a very casual manner, "I think I need to go to the doctor."

"Why?" I asked.

"O, I think I'm partially blind. I have a blind spot"

"What?!?! What do you mean you think you are blind?" I asked astonished. I was more astonished by the fact that he mentioned it so offhandedly rather than the subject matter itself.

"I played soccer yesterday and some guy kicked the ball right into my eye. I fell down and couldn't get up for a couple of minutes because of the immense pain. I couldn't see for a couple of seconds. I closed my eyes and opened them a few minutes later. My vision cleared a little and I was very happy I wasn't completely blind."

Still extremely shell-shocked by what he told me, I said, "Why didn't you go to the doctor yesterday when this happened? Your retina could be detached. You might need surgery done immediately. This is very important. You could be partially blind forever!"

I couldn't believe that instead of doing what I thought a normal person would do (i.e. check himself into the emergency department immediately), he went to have dinner with his friends instead (in a half-blind state mind you), went to bed and then contemplated going to the doctor the next morning.

Ann who was at my place at the time the conversation took place said, "Boy will be boys. They take things so casually."

Yesterday, my eye was a little swollen. I showed my mum and she said that it's nothing to be concerned about because that happens sometimes. But I insisted on going to the doctor anyway. You can never be too cautious when it comes to your eyes! (I've had pretty severe cases of conjunctivitis before) So I went today and got some antibiotics and ointment for the eye infection.

Men are from mars and women are from venus. Clearly.


Itscheryl said...

haha joanne i also probably wont go to the doc cause.. just wouldnt think anything of it, might worry a bit but thats all
i feel even if i go to the doc or hospital here, they will say nothing

Itscheryl said...
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