Sunday, July 15, 2007

For the life she lived

Not remembered for her death but for the life she lived. That was how Prince William and Harry wanted their mum to be remembered.

Death. Still a taboo word in most societies. I dare not mention her name anymore. It was as if her existence was wiped out from our memories. I cant quite remember how she looked like. I was probably a little too young back then. But i clearly remember her presence. I still recall the moment she passed me that tiny gold bracelet. I thought it was the prettiest thing i ever seen in my life because it glimmered in the light and its refine details made it seemed fitting for an angel. And my last gift from her was a board game for Christmas. I was probably 6 years old back then. The day i received the gift was the last time i ever saw her. If i knew her candle would have stopped burning then, I would have savoured every moment spent with her. But i remember her not for her death but for her life. So i try to capture every fading memory I have of her and jot them down in words.

Yesterday in cell group, we had a session where we would write an obituary for ourselves. It was kinda freaky at first. Something our grandparents would disapprove. But, it really made us ponder on what we would want to be remembered for - a billionaire, the first person who stepped on Mars, a peacemaker, a person with integrity, a person who gave his 110%, a person who loved unconditionally, a person who walked the footsteps of Christ. I once read this in a book - "Imagine you were lying in a coffin and all your close friends and family were at your burial ceremony. What would they have said in their speeches? What would you have wanted them to say?"


Pheebs said...

you do look like her!!

believe it or not, i just started a blog. you're welcome to visit -

have loved us getting to know each other so much better the past months =) and glad for your friendship.

phebe xo

Itscheryl said...

what do u want to be remembered as?
i'm not sure yet, just someone not with negative thoughts haha.. i kinda not too bothered with it

Anonymous said...

cheryl: to be remembered as an optimist is a real good thing =) i will be happy to be remembered as that.