Monday, October 05, 2009


I have been contemplating shutting down my blog for a while. I have lost the ability to express how I feel on this blog. Everything has boiled down to a string of meaningless entries – pictures, what I have been doing and a couple of videos. And my entries are few and far in between. It’s not who I am. In fact, I now don’t know who I am. All I know is that I haven’t been happy for a while. And the state I was in was unhealthy. If there’s anything I learn from the past few months, is firstly to always trust your gut instincts. If something doesn’t feel right, it is not right.

Secondly, always remember that you are worthy because you are a child of God. So many words and accusations have been thrown my way – I’m insecure, emotionless, cold, unaffectionate, standoff-ish. I know that the daggers have been thrown without spite or ill intentions but it was out of frustration. But harm has been done. It affected my self-esteem and my sense of self-worth.

Anyway, the point of it all this is to say that I’m in a better place. I hold no grudges. If anything, I now understand myself a little better. I know that tomorrow will be better than today and today is better than yesterday. And that means, I’ll be back to my cheery self. If I could have turned back time, I would have done some things differently. But we make our choices and live with the consequences. Carpe diem.

I'll end this entry with a video. MUST WATCH!

I gotta feelin' that today is gonna be a good day....

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