Wednesday, October 31, 2007


One more day till my clock on my laptop tells me its November. Where has the time flew by? I find myself asking this very same question at the end of every year. And the bitter truth is, time will always fly by faster than we want. There will always be I should have seized that opportunity, I should have not have procrastinated... moments. The older we are, the more responsibilities we will have - that elementary school exam, that school play, high school exam, university, work, work + wife, work + kids, ...and it goes on. The to-do lists will continue expanding - there will always be stuff we need to get done but do not have the time to. There will always be reasons to excuse yourself from what you don't wanna do.
It's all a matter of priority I suppose.

You know, I could turn back time and start this year again, I would. But then again, if I'm at that time frame, I would have wanted to turn back time to the start of uni. And before that, I would have wanted to go back to high school. I would have studied more, played more sports, join more societies. And again, I would have wanted to go back to my primary school days - and accepted that invitation to my neighbour's house. Perhaps we would have been best buds now. There will always be events that we will regret in our lives. But we can't turn back time - so we will just have to make lemonades with the lemons thrown at us.

This year was inevitably a tough year for me - I wouldn't want to repeat this year again. Well, it wasn't that my studies were taxing. I think emotionally it was tough. Once again, I found myself searching for my identity. I thought I would have passed that stage in high school. But I've concluded that we will never fully realise our identity - its a journey, a constant progress till our death bed. It took me a whole year to figure this out. And it took me 22 years to realise that we shouldn't box ourselves up - do not ever say "I'm the creative sort or I'm more of a science kinda person" - it immediately boxes and limits our ability in areas we think are beyond our reach. The education system which divides us into the "art stream" or the "science stream" inevitably tries to define who we are. But studying the history of Michaelangelo, Albert Einstein or Leonardo Da Vincci we would realise that they are

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