Thursday, May 22, 2008

Ahoy! Me hearty's birthday! Yo-ho-ho

Last Saturday, we celebrated Stephen's 23rd birthday pirate-style~! It was pretty exciting - almost everyone dressed up for the occassion. I got overly-excited and bought a whole heap of pirate gear - pirate flag, pirate gun, pirate sword, pirate binoculars, pirate eye patch, pirate earings and pirate bandanna.

Btw, 'me hearty' is pirate talk for 'my friend' and 'Yo-ho-ho' is pirate laughter.



Me and me jack (Pirate talk for flag)

I luv Nadia. She crack me up~! We make a great team together. On the way to Steve's place, we tried conjuring up a script and feasible story of our pirating life. Initially, we decided that we would be Malay pirates based in the Straits of Melaka.

"Kami ni lanun dari er...Straits of Melaka. Mari kami rompak rumah Stephen..." (We are pirates from the Straits of Melaka. Lets rob Stephens house)

"Kesimpulannya...kami akan ambil..."

Pheebs stared at us in disgusted and told us that we failed miserably as Malay pirates. "No Malay pirate would speak so formally...'kesimpulannya'." (kesimpulannya means 'in conclusion')

Then we tried to be Chinese pirates from China with our very very broken cantonese.

"Ngo dei hui tao go 'nasi lemak" (Lets steal the nasi lemak)

"Ngo dei cho Robin Hood...tao zao go nasi dei hui pai nasi lemak pei yan" (We act like Robin Hood. We will steal the nasi lemak and distribute it to others)

Pirate mum and pirate baby

Birthday boy + E-gene with his parrot...I mean, duck. haha. He pinned the duck to his shirt. Its so cute~! The duck goes 'quack quack' when you squeeze it.


Bryan is such a classic.

Pheebs and I.

Love Wil's improvised hook.

Love Sue's sword + belt.


Steve's parents are so game~! =)

Upon Sue and Matt's arrival, everyone shouted, ' pirate gear~! Youre dead!". Apparently, our faces will get drawn on if youre not dressed up for the event. They quickly scrambled downstairs and came back up again...

Matt, "I'm Sue's parrot"

Shiver me timbers!(an exclamation of surprise, to be shouted most loud)
Stephen's treasure island cake. I didnt even realised that it was a cake till Ivy pointed it out. She baked the cake~!! I thought it was a toy of some sort. It even came equipped with doubloons (pirate talk for pieces of gold)

The woman behind the successful party =) Ann and I told Stephen the other day that he was one lucky man. He cheekily pointed to Ivy's fourth right finger and said, "Why do you think I got her the ring so quickly? I need to secure the deal asap."

Happy 23rd birthday Stephen Lim~! =)

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