Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Beauty queen failure

Amongst many many other reasons, one reason I can never be a beauty queen is because performing the entire beauty routine takes too much effort.

This evening, I've decided to put in more effort in my washing up routine.

The routine went as such: Shower which included washing hair and body, towel drying hair and body, blow-drying hair, putting moisturizer on face, putting eye cream, putting on body lotion, flossing teeth, brushing teeth.

Normal routine goes: Shower which includes washing hair and body, towel drying body, let hair drip dry, put moisturiser on face, brushing teeth.

Activities usually omitted:

Blow-drying hair (I was cursing for the whole 15 minutes! It's sooo tiring. Holding up the hair dryer is tiring enough)

Washing face with facial wash (I forget quite often these days. My bad)

Eye cream (something I should do because of my very dry skin)

Body lotion (again, I should do because of my very dry skin)

Flossing teeth (more of a health rather than beauty thing. The dentist is going to kill me)

The entire routine this evening took one hour. And I didn't even put on any make up.

Being female is tough sometimes.


galnexdor said...

haha my beauty routine is like ure normal routine too. i should really start flossing also. and moisturizing. my legs look like snake scales.

Joanne Khoo said...

sigh, easier said than done sometimes. laziness overtakes vanity.
Prefer to you know, surf the net or something rather than do all that sometimes.