Friday, April 16, 2010

Out with the old and in with the new

Its 12 am and I'm a hyper bunny right now. I just had two cups of coffee and a pot of tea! I was out for coffee with a bunch of girlfriends and I was really zoning out of the conversation. My mind gets that way sometimes but tonight I was so out of it to the point that I think I was being downright rude.

"So jo, are you coming for the event?"

"Sorry, what event again?"

"Event xyz"

"Em, when is it again?"

So coffee it was! Felt much better after that. Unfortunately, I'm really hyper right now. I will use my energy to blog!

Anyway, a month ago, I've decided to make the courageous move to chop off my long hair. I've been deliberating for a while but I've never had the guts to do it. You see its a big deal to me because the last time I had short hair, I was 4 years old. After that, it was long hair all the way.

Long hair felt like a safety net. Horrible fringe? That's okay, your long hair will make up for it. Chubby cheeks? Your long hair will cover it. Hairdresser having pms and gave you a bad hair cut? Get your hair cut again - there's room (hair) for error.

One fine day, last month, I've decided to book an appointment at the hairdressers. Counting down to THE day, I've sought various opinions from different people on whether I should make that bold move. I think there were 9 nays and only 1 ay. So on the day of the appointment, I decided to cancel my slot. But when i arrived, I felt bad for doing a last minute cancellation and thought that I should just get a trim anyway.

An hour later, I walked away with a short bob and feeling 100 kgs lighter. Allow me to tell you what changed my fickle mind again.

It was simple. It was the hairdresser's taunting. She taunted me, I tell you. It was like a dare.

Upon sitting down on the chair, she asked me, "How would you like your hair cut?"

Me: Do you think short hair would suit me?

She: Short hair can suit anyone. It depends on whether you like it or not.

Me: Hm, but what do you think works for me?

10 second pause

She: You should just stick with long hair.

Me: Why?

Another 10 second pause (I think it was deliberate, for dramatic effect)

She: Cause you're not ready.

Me: Why do you say that?

She: Cause I just know it. I can see it in a customer. I'll know whether she is ready or not. You are not ready.

Me: What? Maybe I'm ready. I want to cut my hair short.

She: Most customers walk in here thinking they are ready but really, they are not. They walk away regretting their decisions. I don't want you to regret yours.

Me: I'm ready! Cut my hair short.

She: You sure you won't regret this?

Me: I'm sure. Just do it now before i change my mind. Quickly, take the first snip!

So within seconds, she chops off a huge chuck of my hair.

And you know what, I felt nothing - no regret nor pain. On the contrary, I immediately embraced my new look. In fact, I'm thinking of cutting it even shorter. Since it's already short, I might as well go for the full effect. After all, hair grows =)

Using Mac webcam


When my hair is styled

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