Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Myth of attraction - Realisation

The thing about us girls is that many of us walk around holding invisible checklists of what we want in a man. Some lists would have criteria such as “sporty, charismatic, intellectual, romantic” while others would have criteria such as “confident, charming, musically inclined etc” I’ve come to realise that what attracts us to a person in the first place maybe the very thing that repulses us. For example, if one likes a girl because she is submissive and of a shy nature, the person might end up being frustrated with her because she seems overly dependent and sticky. In another instance, if one likes a guy because of his confidence, his confidence might then be viewed as arrogance and cockiness. So really, when months and years pass, all that initial attractiveness may die together with the years. Perhaps the most important criteria to be found in a partner is his/her character. His/her integrity, honesty, unconditional love, etc. That will remain constant. You can’t be repulsed by your partner’s honesty. You can’t be repulsed by your partner’s unconditional kindness. You can’t be repulsed by your partner’s integrity. And so, I conclude that, though we choose our partners base on chemistry (which comes very naturally with the whole checklist), most importantly, we should base it on his/her character if you want your relationship to last.

I know its simple truth but, sometimes, simple is hard.


Kevin Siah said...

Very profound words, Ms Khoo. Couldn't agree more.

Joanne Khoo said...

thanks kev =)