Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Projecting your insecurities

Sometimes it's tough being around people who are very insecure (I guess to a certain extent, we all have our insecurities). Unconsciously, we project our insecurities onto others. For example, I have a friend called A (let’s call her A). Though I more often than not, enjoy her company, I have to admit that I never felt a 100% at ease with her. I remember picking her up once from her place. Immediately, upon ascending into my car, she exclaimed, ‘You have a huge pimple on your forehead,’ before rolling her eyes up and down my body to scrutinise me further. I looked at her and said, ‘yes, I noticed.’ This is in addition to frequent remarks of, ‘hey, you lost weight and you should eat more,’ before she rambles on about her frequent diet regime failures. At one point, I was pretty frustrated and told her that true friends do not treat friends this way. At this point, I contemplated spending less time investing in this friendship because really, it didn’t do good for my self-esteem plus it’s hard to enjoy one’s company when one is constantly scrutinised. Thankfully, she recently realised that she is indeed not fat (the opposite really) and she has finally accepted her body size.

Anyway, the point of this ramble is that I myself have my own insecurities. I realise that sometimes, I do not share someone’s joy as much as I should simply because it’s something I yearn for but do not have. I don’t really want to be a person whom other people do not really feel at ease with. There’s a lot to learn this 2008. Speaking of which, we are already in the second month of 2008. Time really flies. Seize the moment.

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