Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Goal #16: Geisha on ostrich egg

Over a decade ago, my family and I traveled to South Africa. On our trip there, we visited an ostrich farm. Ostrich eggs are fascinating. The egg is the largest of all eggs. The egg shell is extremely hardy. We tested it by jumping on the egg numerous times. Not a single crack was in sight.

As a souvenir, my dad bought an unpainted ostrich egg for me. I was meant to paint it. But being the epitome of a procrastinator, it sat on my desk for over 10 years, untouched.

Finally, I got down to it two days ago. I'll be giving it to my grandmother as a gift. It took me much longer than expected. Initially, I didnt have the right brushes. My brushes were too thick. I resorted to using satay sticks. That didn't work out too well. I re-did several parts numerous times. I'm still not satisfied with it but enough is enough. I need to move on to more important things in life!

Here's the result (I've yet to gloss the egg)








1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow jo you are so talented! that egg looks like something they'd sell in an artsy fartsy homewares shop. have you graduated already? btw thanks for your recommendation on the macbook i did end up buying it, am very happy with it :) once you go mac, you don't look back hehe.. let's catch up next time you're back in melb.. hope you're having fun in KL xoxo