Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New blog layout

Finally, I'm back to blogging. I do miss writing in this space. Honestly, I haven't been blogging simply because at some point, I found blogging pretty meaningless. (I also broke my camera). I couldn't be stuffed updating on my daily mundane routines. I needed to find a purpose in blogging. So after much thinking and deliberation, I've decided to use it as a journal to jot down my journey of achieving my new year resolutions. This will provide me some sort of focus in my writing. Also, it will sort of hold me accountable for my resolutions. Hopefully =)

Anyway, I've been taking my vitamins and supplements every single day (Goal #11). Also, I've been starting my days with fruits in the morning (Goal #10). These two goals were easier to achieve than I thought. The first few days, I had to remind myself to do them. After a while, it became habitual.

I'm trying to start two salad meals per week. (Goal #9) I've yet to find a good yummy (emphasize yummy) salad recipe that require no sugar, honey or salt.

On a different note, I haven't been running this week. I blame the rain and the sun. It's scorching hot during the day and it rains in the evening!

This resolutions thing is difficult but I will work on it, one aspect at a time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.