Monday, November 26, 2007

Battling fears

If you think you'll fail, you'll fail.

If you think you'll lose the battle, chances are you'll be right.

So I went rockclimbing today. For some reason, I was slightly fearful of heights today. I'm can usually scale the walls without fear. But today was different. I didnt climb that well today. I used a lot of my energy gripping the handholds harder than necessary and I didnt really trust my feet on the footholds. Perhaps that was because I rented shoes today. I cant find my rockclimbing shoes! What happened to them? =( Anyway, every few seconds I had to tell myself that height of the wall was only an illusion and there was nothing to fear as there was a rope securing me. Rockclimbing is such a psychological thing I tell you. Its a representation of life really. Tell yourself you can do it, and you can. Tell yourself you can't and chances are, you can't. It's a mind game really.


Alan said...
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Alan said...

i think i may have your shoes. You gave them to me last time i went climbing because the person i was climbing with didnt have any shoes.
Ask my brother

Anonymous said...

Al: Dont think you have my shoes. DOnt remember giving them to you. I climbed just over a month ago with my shoes and I havent seen you for 4 months? So im pretty sure I have them...somewhere.

Alan said...

oh okay i must have given them back either that or i have mysteriously acquired some mythos shoes WOOHOO!