Friday, August 15, 2008

Living with chromosone Y

My parents have been down visiting us kids in Melbourne the past week. Hooray to sparkling bathrooms, lemon-scented kitchens, warm soups and hearty home-cooked meals. A double hooray because I hardly lifted a finger doing any household chores the past week. And of course, a triple hooray for their company.(obligatory statement – just in case, they read my blog =D)

Despite me enjoying my parents company, I find that the apartment is a little cramped for the four of us – its like we are breathing down each other’s necks at times. It doesn’t help that my brother’s laptop wireless is spoilt. So it does get frustrating with the four of us (okay three because my dad doesn’t use the Internet) sharing just one laptop. And its MY laptop. I have this thing about sharing my laptop. Firstly, I keep all these online and offline private journals in my laptop. It doesn’t help that I’m can be pretty careless at times. Plus, I don’t have my files backed up so I’m always afraid that my computer may crash one day. (and ill lose all my photos!) Also, the courtesy of door-knocking is not exactly practiced in my family. I’m getting used to the sudden barging into my room. Oh, and one day I woke up to realise that my phone is not by the bedside table. My mum has taken my phone to call a friend of hers. Real intrusion of privacy here.

I think I can be a real introvert at home. I must firstly state that I LOVE having guests over. I have guests staying over all the time. I love hosting friends and family (*hint hint*) but I never actually had a permanent roommate my entire life. I have been pretty pampered and never had the need to share a room with someone else. So the idea of a person barging in and out of my room at their own will and using my computer at their liberty comes as a shock to my system. Which got me thinking actually. How am I ever going to get married, sleep on the same bed as someone else, share the same cupboard to store our clothes, share the same laptop and give the other person the green light to look through my stuff without the need for an invitation. How am I going to come to terms with the fact that there might be accidental usage of HIS towel (ew…chromosome Y’s towel!) Having a person stay over once in a while is one thing. To live with another person and share the same bed PERMANENTLY is another. It’s like being completely vulnerable, transparent, open and accountable to another person. That’s marriage my dear friends, and the prospect of that scares me. Oh well, I still have a couple of years ahead of me…till then, these will just be nonsensical ramblings and fleeting thoughts =)

p/s: I just bought a web cam. It’s pretty cool. Except when my little cousin constantly wants to webcam with me…hm…a little self-conscious cause I must be all proper and adult =) I’m sitting with my back straight up and making sure I’m decently clothed now cause I’m on webcam with my cousin. You know, I got to set a good example =D

My cousin was just telling me on msn that she has to sew this blouse for the living skills subject. I conveniently forget to tell her that I merely sent my sewing project to the tailor and got my maid to do my woodwork. Ignorance is bliss =D I guess, its like how my older cousin conveniently omitted details of his wild partying days, his high life days back at uni, probably strutted down the streets with a girl in each arm, wearing a Hugo Boss shirt tucked into his Armani trousers and with the car keys to his secretly-purchased-car in his pocket. He only recently revealed his cheeky stories a couple of months ago which gave me a jaw ache from all the gasping. And now, he is happily married with a kid to boot =D

pps: my goodness, my 9 year old cousin just added me on msn!! Its 11 pm back in Singapore. Shouldn’t the kids be sleeping by now? Gee…


Anonymous said...

hahah hey girl
i almost died laughing at the "Accidental usage of HIS towel"
Yucks!! It’s okay, I’m so far away from even contemplating marriage either..


Anonymous said...


hm...boys = smellie.

sigh, living with one brother has turned me into this. haha
