One hour later, we arrived at Lub D Bangkok hostel. (Visit for more information)
This hostel is by far, the best hostel I've ever stayed in. I highly recommend this hostel~! We paid approximately RM 48 per pax in a twin-share room. (note: that was the promotional price. The price might be reviewed upwards) The hostel is newly renovated. It still has that new paint-wash smell and the new woody furniture smell which i like~! I love the colour scheme of the place - think red, black, white and silver. It's so creatively designed~! The interior isnt necessarily expensive but who says good things come only with an expensive price tag~! I like it because I felt at home in the place. After a 12 hour shopping spree, I just wanna kick back, dangle my feet off the high stools, play boardgames, surf the net using the FREE wi-fi service provided, chat with other travellers who are also lodging in the hostel or even curl up on the sofa reading a book from their mini library~! Bliss.
There's so much to love about the hostel...and even more to write. So ill let the photos do the talking.

Boardgames provided by the hostel. We played chess and subsequently some mindless monkey pick-up-sticks game till 4 am in the morning~!

Steps leading to our hostel.

Check out the walls. Very artsy huh? Cheryl who is the artsy fatsy type loved this hostel~!

hehe, little wooden horses lining up against the walls.

The door to our room

I love the colour scheme

The bed, pillow and blanket are soooo comfy. I felt like I was sleeping on fairy floss~! Getting out of bed in the morning was an even tougher chore than it already is.

The bathroom. One huge tick off the checklist. A clean bathroom~! The bathrooms are routinely cleaned a few times per day. The bathroom comes equipped even with soap and shampoo. Cheryl was so afraid that the shared bathroom might be eeky and ill-equipped that she even brought a roll of toilet paper along with her. I can safely say that it stayed in her bag untouched throughout the entire trip.

The mini library. We brought a couple of books back to the room to read.

Free wi-fi with laptops provided~! This is a huge advantage of staying in a hostel. In many 5-star hotels, you have to pay exorbitant prices to use their Internet services.

The hostel even has a theatre room. There's a plasma tv, a bean bag and huge collection of dvds for you to choose from~! I could laze here all day~!

Brekkie the next morning

O, before I forget, another huge plus point for this hostel is the security~! I feel so safe staying in this hostel. We were provided a swipe card which we need to swipe once before going through the glass door which leads up the stairs to the rooms. We then need to swipe a 2nd time to enter our rooms. A safe is also provided in the rooms. I felt pretty relieved that we had a safe in our room. I could roam the streets stress-free, knowing that my passport will not be pick-pocketed by some thief.
After checking in, we heading to MBK shopping mall. MBK caters to low-end and middle-end shoppers. Definitely my kinda place to go. I love cheap bargains~! I bought 2 dresses and a top in one of the shops there for RM 20 each.

On the way to MBK.
After MBK, we took a taxi to Suan Lum night market. Suan Lum night market is the biggest night bazaar in Bangkok. I love shopping in Bangkok because unlike in KL where the clothes seem to be like replicated in every other store, most of the clothes here are unique. Every store seem to be different from the next. So, here's a tip, if you see something you like and if it's at a reasonable price, just buy it~! Chances are, youll might not come across it again! (especially in Chatuchak market)
Slightly off-tangent, a couple of years back, I went around Sungai Wang looking for a pair of white boots. I found this design that I really liked in this store but to my disappointment, they didnt have it in my size. So, I walked around and very excitedly, I spotted the same pair of boots in another store. But again, they didnt have my size. So very stubbornly, i decided to walk around the entire sungai wang, hunting for that particular design of boots. I finally stopped when the final straw broke. This sales assistant said to me, 'Are you the girl who walked to six shoe stores, asking for that particular pair of white boots?' I finally realised that most of the shoe stores there were owned by the same company.

I bought pillow cases for my pillows sitting on my sofa back in Melbourne.

Cheryl was very adamant about getting this design in red even though they didnt have the size she wanted. We thought that we will chance upon this design again in the later part of our trip. But no~! =( Sigh, we should have bought it there and then.

Pretty lamps

Earrings made with copper

I like. I bought two pairs.

This guy loves cats and draws inspiration for his designs from his two cats.

After Suan Lum night bazaar, we headed back to the hostel.
p/s: Most of the photos here and for the rest of my Bangkok trip are credited to Cheryl. She takes amazing photos while mine, not as good =)
hey joanne! u know while googling suan lum night bazaar i came across some sites saying that it was gonna close down in april...seeing that u went there recently, i guess it didnt suan lum better or chatuchak better? aahha nvm, i'll tune in for the rest of the trip review
chatuchak has 5000 over stores. Suam Lum has much less though its really big as well. Suam Lum is much less crowded than chatuchak. So youll feel more comfortable there. PLus, its at its not as hot.
However, you should go to chatuchak even if its just for the experience.
In short, go to both~!
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