Thursday, May 14, 2009

Facebook - social tool vs spam tool

Seriously, don’t you think Facebook is becoming like a spam tool (almost like the old almost non-existent Friendster) Everyday without fail, I’ll get notifications about someone building some virtual restaurant on some street and the main newsfeed is flooded with quizzes. I wouldn’t mind IQ testing quizzes but the majority of quizzes are, ‘How well do you know XYZ? ABC have scored 37% to questions such as ‘Is my right hand bigger than my left hand’. To which ABC will write, “O I guess I didn’t know XYZ as well as I thought. I’m such a horrible friend.”

But really, the only thing on Facebook that is of interested to me are photos, videos and links. Then again, it irritates me when I see 149203489243 photos of girls with the same background (sometimes in the toilet) but apparent different post (probably turned their head by 1 degree angle).

Anyway, despite all my complaints I’m still keeping my Facebook account. It is such an important social tool. To delete facebook is almost committing social suicide. Many events invites are given through Facebook these days. Not too long ago, sending out invites through facebook seemed a little insincere…and now, we have moved to mass invites through facebook.

I saw one funny comment on someone’s facebook wall the other day. That person just got married the other day and a friend said, “Are you living in denial? Update your facebook status!” The friend was obviously being sarcastic but there’s some truth in that don’t you think. To some, you’re not really in a relationship until you update your status. That’s funny because a while back, I thought that walking down the street hand-in-hand was a sign that you’re in a relationship.

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