Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mobile phone pictures

I recently received my new free LG U990 phone as part of my renewed mobile contract. As with most (if not all) phones these days, it comes with an inbuilt camera. This phone is supposed to be known for its camera as it even has a image stabilizer. I'm yet to properly test the camera myself . But yesterday, little 2 year old Faith tested out my camera for me when Ann and I babysat in the evening. She took about 30 pictures herself. They can never start too young.

I realised today that I forgot to remove the plastic protection cover over the lens. Hence, the pictures are blurry.

"Take a picture of the starfishes. How many are there?"

"Take a picture of the baby starfish"

"Take a picture of Aunty Ann. Count to three."

"Take a picture of me"

"Take a picture of the river"

Baby Faith who cannot be separated from her plastic bottle because grandma gave that to her.

This is my shot of the river.


Itscheryl said...

didnt use ur nice g10 much ? =P
would have looked pretty if u took the starfish

Joanne Khoo said...

haha, i do usually. but didnt put up pictures.

O, i didnt take my camera to the park because it was difficult carrying Faith plus camera. And, i wouldnt want her to handle my G10. Just in case.

That being said, theres a higher chance of me dropping it rather than her. heh.