Thursday, May 28, 2009


Night #1:
Fat boy from old high school chasing me in train station. Woke up in cold sweat.

Night #2:
Got chased by some money laundering tycoons. Ended up on the edge of a very high crane. Woke up in cold sweat.

Night #3:
Discovered that a friend died. Woke up in tears. Checked facebook and found that he is still alive and holidaying in Europe. Phew.

Night #4:
Found myself in the middle of war in Pakistan. Woke up in cold sweat.



Tim said...

LoL Who was friend from Night #3? Not me I hope, not that you think of me that much I'm sure. What a week though! What were you eating?

Joanne Khoo said...

hm....I think, its not you. I cant remember. It might have been you. I tend to dream about people I have not seen in a long time. But for your sake, I hope its not you :P