Saturday, March 21, 2009

Letter to my future myself

Dear Jo (in the future),

Here's a letter from your younger self. I'm writing this on the 21st of March 2009. I'm feeling slightly tipsy right now - which is a pretty good feeling because I feel free from any inhibitions. I think I'm pretty fun when I'm tipsy because I talk more, laugh more and I'm definitely very honest. Ask me any question and I'll tell you no lies! Hopefully, you are like this too. Are you?

Anyway, the reason I'm writing this is to serve as a reminder. A reminder for what, you ask? A reminder that in your life, you've been pretty blessed. Remember the time, you prayed to God with all your heart that He will surround you with true, inspiring and genuine friends. Guess what, He did. He couldn't have done better because right now, I have pretty amazing friends in my life.

I've gone through many rough patches. I've done things I wished I didn't do. Things have happened that I wished didn't happen. But I know with all my heart that God from above is watching over me. I've met all these amazing people. Sometimes, I forget who they really are. Sometimes, we rub shoulders a little too often and I get irritated. But when I stand back, I realise that these people are so amazing. I've so much to learn from many of these individuals. They inspire me in so many ways. Through some, I've learnt the meaning of unconditional love. Through some, I've learnt how to forgive. I've learnt how to be more patient. I've learnt what it means to sacrifice. I've learnt what it means to think outside the box. I've learnt how to be less judgemental. In short, I've met so many amazing people.

Sometimes, I feel alone. Sometimes, I think no one cares or no one understands. How irrational can I get sometimes. So dear you, every time you feel this way, please refer to this letter that I'm writing to you now. Chances are, you'll feel this way sometimes. Hopefully, not very often. But when you do, know that God have answered your prayers once upon a time and He has placed wonderful people in your life. Sometimes, you have to look beyond the superficial differences and focus on their positive points. When I was 14, someone who was dear to me told me something important. He said, "Do not disregard anyone because there's always something to learn from someone.' I still battle with that but I'm trying. I realised that it's easier for me to be cynical now than when I was younger. So I figure that, it will probably be even easier for you to be cynical as you are older than I am. I'm hoping that didn't happen, did it? Well, remember to take care of your heart. Keep it soft. Remember, how blessed you are and life will seem a little easier.

Kind regards,

Joanne (21 March 2009)

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